
Data and code for manuscript in prep.

High flow conditions can mediate the damaging effects of thermal stress and bleaching on the endosymbiosis in Acropora aspera

link to paper!

Data can be found in csv or rd format in the folder Data

Scripts can be found in the current directory.

Script names and description:

Sub-bleaching thermal stress experiment: SB TS

Bleaching thermal stress experiment: B TS

Script name Description
00_Temperature_data_SB_TS Temperature analysis, eDHW calculation
01_Temperature_data_B_TS Temperature analysis, eDHW calculation
02_Light_data Light data tidy and plotting
03_PAM_data_analysis_SB_TS Plotting and data analysis
04_PAM_data_analysis_B_TS Plotting and data analysis
05_Endosymbiont_data_analysis_SB_TS Plotting and data analysis
06_Endosymbiont_data_analysis_B_TS Plotting and data analysis
07_Reef_flat_flow_conditions Analysis of reef flat flow conditions
08_Reef_slope_flow_conditions Analysis of reef slope current meter data
09_Reef_slope_environmental_conditions Collate and graph environmental conditions
10_Flow_tank_conditions Collate and plotting of tank flow conditions